Saturday, March 29, 2008


New Online Photo Layout Editor Tool

I have recieved many emails from people saying that the "Put Your Face On Another Body" web tool @ is not working well and is glitchy with the DHTML layers and JavaScript codes (doesn't run well on non updated web browsers). So for the last week I have been creating a Adobe (Macromedia) Flash program to do the layouts (give it a try HERE).

The new layout tool offers drag and drop, clickable buttons to control all the funtions and even keyboard keys interact with the application! I even added the ability to rotate your images (although it has some glitches to be worked on). This will be incorporated into the other photograph mash-up tools @

It's much fun putting your face on another person's body, just as long as it is easy to do so!

PLEASE HELP! The coding still has some issues, the biggest being when you rotate an image, it is off kilter when you process the final JPEG image (math using ActionScript vs ASP/PHP, the rotation processes do not match up). Maybe some experts can advise me on things to do to make it better (just make a comment to reply)?

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The Srapbook generator is not working. When I got to scrap my image and I'm Ready and I click on the done button then the image is not in the scrap and I can not save.
Nice Regards Nanda de Winde.
The fake magazine cover isnt working either. When I go to save my image, it shows up as that stupid wrestler guy still.
there is something else wrong as well, once you upload a picture, and it generates a preview, on the magazine cover editor, half the magazine is cut off in the preview, and when you try to save it, the saved image is cut off as well
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