Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Webcam Snapshots @ finally working again (wouldn't let you save images for last 6 months) and you can take snapshots again (save as JPG). Now it uses Flash 10 and ActionScript 3 and uses the users PC to process the image instead of my server needing to do heavy ASP/PHP processing. I also added a few new effects. I also made some of the webcam video effects able to take snap shots and save as JPEG files too! Eventually all the webcam games and video effects will allow you to save...
This was a big task as basically everything I spent years learning up to Macromedia Flash 8 (I started with Flash 4) were all wasted as most my scripts (source code FLA files) will not work in Adobe Flash 10, even the programming words/phrases are different and can handle different variables. I have been having to relearn how to make Flash content, it's been frustrating feeling like it will all be useless again in a few years (sure Adobe will keep things the same and just add new features, they bought out another company Macromedia and wanted to make it their way, I would too).
Sample Flash AS3 code to view a webcam:
var cam:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
var video:Video = new Video(480,360);
video.x = 0;
video.y = 0;
Labels: adobe flash, control webcam, export, flash webcam, JPEGencoder, pics, save image, save jpg, video effects, web camera, webcam effects, webcam flash, webcam fun, webcam snapshot, webcam tricks, webcams