Friday, April 28, 2006
Avatar Generator - Web 2.0 Avatar Maker
Many Web 2.0 services & blogs allow you to create a profile where you can upload a small square image to represent yourself. Now you can make personalized avatars with over 5,000 avatar/icon images (about 100 pages to browse) to customize. From ANIME cartoon characters to ZEBRAS (animals). Create your own customized avatars with your personalized words/text. You will be able to select an avatar image, choose a font, colour and position and write your name (or anything really) on it.
Even my own profile here on ( has an avatar that was created from the AVARTAR GENERATOR :)
TAGS: avatar generators creators makers designers designing avatars blogging gravatar identity emoticons smilies tools art creative myspace community forum profile fun cool neat studio southpark simpson pix pics im icon free draw sign create help steps easy simple instant-messenger happy-face icons favatar forums blogs avatar-creator designer designing pictures emoticon 80x80 pixels pixelart avatar-maker avatar-generator generator generators 100x100 square download make AJAX web20 web2.0 logos ads male female men women man woman people character anime cartoons cartoon comic characters downloads generate save artistic expression forum-avatar blog-avatar profile-avatar
Monopoly Card Generator
TAGS: generator geneartors graphics monopoly game boardgame cards games gaming family sfw safe-for-work fun create make design chance community-chest make-your-own DIY
Tarot Card Message Generator (VIA Sign Generator)
Make your own customized tarot cards HERE with your custom text (about 50-100 characters) at the bottom. There are over 30 popular tarot cards to manipuate the text on, from the evil devil/satan (or death/reaper) to nice inspirational & celestial types (or be funny with the Fool) like The Sun/Moon/Stars. The complete tarot deck is not covered (there's about 20 missing, takes too long to scan all those damned cards) but all the popular cards are included (so don't expect to convert your eintire psychic reading from fortune tellers into personal graphics).
You can send your image creations to anyone by email (free ecards, or send to yourself if you are creating away from home or at work) or you can download them for later usage of your sites or blogs. You may also purchase your creation as a personalized product/gift (fridge magnet, postcard, greeting card, stickers and more choices).
TAGS: tarot tarot-card tarot-cards psychic paganism pagan palm-reading time future horoscope astronomical fridge fridge-magnets fortune-teller readings astrology astrological geneartor generator generators graphics design web20 web2.0 web-2.0 images cards card spooky devil fool justice death psychic-reading psychics magic magical ritual hermit strength queen king cups swords priest magician ace hanged man sun moon star stars planets celestial tower fire satan judgement world pentegram pentegrams knight wands mystic mystical religion fridge-magnet iron magnets steel magnet gifts stainless-steel magnetic gift sign-generator wizard majic magik clairavoyent dreams newage goth dark creepy spirits ouija charts wiccan ascendant constellations Zodiacal Zodiac horoscopes natal-chart tarotcard symbolism occult black-magic white-magic majik witch warlock demon Tarocco forbidden deck decks believer paranormal third-dimension weird
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Safety Sign Bulder, Warning Label Generator

"FOR DUMMIES" Book Cover Generator
Church Sign Generator

- Church of God sign generator (make the sign say what you want it too)
- to put your passage in the Holy Bible ;)
- East Indian temple sign generator (change the Guru's spiritualism preachings)
- More/other sign generators on