Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Boob Fan Sign Generators has over 100 female models posing and holding a blank sign (known as fan signs) ready to write what ever you desire. There are 2 sections, a R rated (adult nudity) and a PG-13 rated area. If you are not at least 18 years old, do not visit the site without your parents!

Details from site:

This is a parody fan "sign generator" site for adults only! You can change the writing in the signs the girls are holding with your own customized words and phrases. Over 100 female models posing just for you 24/7! Create your own fake fan signs for your blog or viral promotions. 95% of these ladies are very attractive, but a few are "fugly" gag pics for the practical jokers out there (ex: there is a transsexual showing his implants).

Make it look like these hot women want you and are sending you a personalized greeting by having their photo taken with a cardboard sign (some use whiteboards or a sheet of paper) with your requested text message! Many of the girls are everyday normal girls (with digital cameras or webcams), amateur models and some are even real live porn stars! Email with your own blank fan signs for the world to use, share and see.

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